The baju Melayu is for the men. Like the baju kurung and kebaya, the baju Melayu is usually worn by the men during celebrations and weddings. In the old times the baju Melayu has only one colour, but now it can be found in many colourful designs and patterns.
The baju Melayu is worn with a songket, samping or a tengkolok. Some match the songket, songkok and baju Melayu to look smarter.
Besides wearing long pants, the baju Melayu can be worn with the kain pelekat. This match can be seen during Friday prayers in the mosque every week.
There is two type of Baju Melayu which is Baju Melayu Telok Belanga and Baju Melayu Cekak Musang.Baju Meayu Cekak Musang is a traditional Malay Man Traditional Custome. What makes it different from Baju Melayu Telok Belanga is the neck design. Baju Melayu Cekak Musang style has a raised or stiff collar of about 1 - 2cm, and is opened down to the chest, with holes for five buttons including two buttons for the collar. Men look smarter if they are wearing this Baju Melayu with samping and songkok….what can I say, they make all women fascinate when we look at them.
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